Convened by Tushar Menon and Carina Prunkl
The following seminars will take place at 4.30 p.m. on Thursdays online. Those on the philosophy of physics mailing list will receive an invitation to join the meeting; others should contact the convenors directly.
Abstracts are posted weekly.
Week 1 (30 Apil): Sir Roger Penrose (Mathematics, Oxford)
Conformal cyclic cosmology and Hawking points in the night sky
Week 2 (7 May): David Wallace (Philosophy, Pittsburgh)
Isolated systems and their symmetries
Week 3 (14 May): Erik Curiel (Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, and Black Hole Initiative, Harvard)
On the cogency of quantum field theory on curved spacetime and semi-classical gravity
Week 4 (21 May): BBLOC lecture (Birmingham, Bristol, London, Oxford, Cambridge): James Read (Philosophy, Oxford)
Newtonian equivalence principles
Week 5 (28 May): David Baker (Philosophy, Michigan)
What are symmetries?
Week 6 (4 June): Marij van Strien (Philosophy, Wuppertal)
Bohm’s theory of quantum mechanics and the notion of classicality
Week 7 (11 June): Chiara Marletto (Physics, Oxford)
Week 8 (18 June): Niels Linnemann(Philosophy, Bremen)