Philosophy of Physics Research Seminars Hilary Term 2025

Convened by Oliver Pooley

NOTE THE NEW TIME: Oxford seminars will take place in person at 3.00 p.m. on Thursdays in the Lecture Room of Radcliffe Humanities, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG. Talks will also be streamed, recorded, and (with speaker’s consent) published on our new You Tube channel

Those on the philosophy of physics mailing list will receive an invitation to join the meetings online; others should contact the convenors directly.

Abstracts are posted weekly.

Week 1 (23 January): NO SEMINAR

Week 2 (30 January): Pablo Acuña (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Hidden Variables: Contextuality and parameter (in)dependence

Week 3 (6 February): NO SEMINAR

Week 4 (13 February): Rob Iliffe (Oxford)
Exact conclusions from approximative reasoning: George Smith’s Principia Mathematica

Week 5 (20 February): Sarwar Ahmed (Wuppertal)
Inference to the source: the case of observing a binary black hole merger

Week 6 (27 February): Quentin Vigneron (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
Modifying general relativity on the basis of topological considerations from the Newtonian limit

Week 7 (6 March): Dominik Ehrenfels (Oxford)
Reviving reduction

Week 8 (13 March): Clara Bradley (UCL)
Are sophistication and reduction always viable alternatives?