Convened by Oliver Pooley
Those on the philosophy of physics mailing list will receive an invitation to join the meetings online; others should contact the convenors directly.
Abstracts are posted weekly.
Week 1 (23 January): NO SEMINAR
Week 2 (30 January): Pablo Acuña (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Hidden Variables: Contextuality and parameter (in)dependence
Week 3 (6 February): NO SEMINAR
Week 4 (13 February): Rob Iliffe (Oxford)
Exact conclusions from approximative reasoning: George Smith’s Principia Mathematica
Week 5 (20 February): Sarwar Ahmed (Wuppertal)
Inference to the source: the case of observing a binary black hole merger
Week 6 (27 February): Quentin Vigneron (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
Modifying general relativity on the basis of topological considerations from the Newtonian limit
Week 7 (6 March): Dominik Ehrenfels (Oxford)
Reviving reduction
Week 8 (13 March): Clara Bradley (UCL)
Are sophistication and reduction always viable alternatives?